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Nou pe simpatie: Nebunatyka pe Simpatie.ro
| Femeie 23 ani Bucuresti cauta Barbat 23 - 73 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
Va plac mah pozele de la "Poze Tari" ? bwahahahahaha!
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
cata cateriiinca... sa mor eu
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
Buna, pozele sunt super...mi-au placut f mult...tine-o tot asa...
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
Am nevoie doar de nijte pumni bine stranshi ca sa prind catzi mai multzi laketzi :P
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
go go go....of...asta inseamna ca nu o sa mai pot tasta daca tin pumnii stransi...
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
ms mult ella }{ faci u asta pt mine?sa imi tzii pumnii stranshi 24/24?
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
hai ca eu plec in bucuresti ! vb diseara copii! te pup ella
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
ella ar fi in stare ... da' nu pentru u
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
hehe...vom trai si vom vedea...Ap0kaLipS daca iti tin pumnii stransi 24/24 inseamna ca nu doresti prezenta mea pe acest forum...
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
Ba da ella...ma bucur ca te avem printre noi! te sarut dulce! hai ca plec in bucuresti
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
hmm...oare ce cauta in bucuresti?
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
back din buc! plec la repetitzii la teatru...nush cand vin! ella miss u
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 11
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
ella pls add ap0kalips666 [id yahoo-messenger] ms
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
hai ca ma duc sa fumez o tzigara
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
mah ce draq...nu mai zice nimeni nimik?
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
mi se terminase timpu' la sala
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
unde draq esti mah?
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
bwahahhaa! sunt ivãl m/__m/
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 29
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
ma duc sa ma mananc ! bi rait bec
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
hai ca ma duc sa beau o bere...mai vb...take care
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
bah sa ma bata mama...ce draq e asa pustiu? dc nu zice nimeni nimik? mrrrrrrr !
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: Oras
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 297
haha ma e cum zic yo sau nu e?
_______________________________________ Grandma have you been smoking crack?
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
ar trebui sa ma gandes si eu la o piramida din aia dar in loc de girls sa scriu boys....si in loc de money sa scriu woman...sau girls... ...ce parere aveti baieti?....hihi...asa ca si voi umblati numai dupa femei...
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
true true ella
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
uf...am mai ajuns si eu sa mai scriu pe aici....iupyyy.....so...miss me?
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
wb ella
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
Mai nene...eu de la un timp dorm f mult.O fi ceva in neregula cu mine? O fi de la vreme....vai ce parere aveti?
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
SA MA FOOOT IN EA DE SCOALA si IN EA DE TZARA DE COMUNISTI ! cum pula mea mah nene... 1.se incepe scoala(asta trebuia sa se intample odata si odata) 2.nu ai voie sa dai cu petarde/artifici deloc anul acesta(cica 60 mil amendat)
dooooohhh...ce urmeaza?sa ne interzica sa mai mancam...sa respiram...fuck romania...
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
mdeah... ce sa zica shi el ? admin prost, i-am zis sa nu mai injure degeaba, reclama proasta. La cate accidente mortale au fost din cauza petardelor asta a fost singura cale de a le evita, parerea lor. Adevarul e, ca daca nu atzi fi cautat in mod special oameni in varsta, cu boli shi mai jtiu eu ce, sa le datzi la picioare cu petarde, sa faca infarct shi sa moara poate nu se ajungea aici. Nu mai zic cate accidente au fost din cauza exploziei premature a petardelor in mana posesorului care au dus la ranirea grava a acesteia. E cam nasoala decizia, n-am ce-i spune, da' tre' sa vezi shi partea buna a lucrurilor (am inceput sa sun tare optimist in ultima vreme, asha-i? ). Cat despre scoala, ce va plangetzi atata? Ganditzi-va la cei care dau Capacitatea shi Bacu', cand naiba mai recuperau aia atata? Shi sa pierzi un an, be real. Cand te intorceai mai jtiai ceva de scoala? Ca sa nu ai voie sa mananci shi sa respiri tre' sa ai acordu' intregii tzari. In caz contrar, se va porni o revolutzie iar conducerea va muri, in cel mai bun caz
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
Cine ne-a pus avatar?Hey eu nu sunt de acord....
[DisTurB3D: Avatarul tau a fost inlaturat]
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
bag p**a`n ea de viatza pishamash pe ea ! m`am certat cu cel mai bun tovarash al meu fuck my life...life sucks ! i wanna die
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
Ce ai patit mai?Cum de te-ai certat cu el?Oare nu exista cale de impacare?Stai si analizeaza si poate cadeti la un compromis.Multa bafta.
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
m`am impacat cu el...dar tot eu mi`am cerut scuze...si el gresise...dar nu asta conteaza....conteaza ca ne`am impacat
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
e prima oara cand il aud p-asta smiorcaindu-se la asha ceva . Cand tzi-a dat Cogica un pumn in fatza, acum nu jtiu catzi ani, de ce nu te-ai omorat??
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
eh...lasa ca ii trece lui.
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
mah de`te`n putza mea d`aci...atunci eram pustan...acum...sunt smecher si stefan imi e prieten adevarat cogik vecin...doooh
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
yeah, whatever . Smardoiule
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
1.Ciocolata Veronica, Face mica gaurica.
2.Face mica gaurica, Nu mai intra nici furnica.
3.Ciocolata Postavaru, Face pula ca si paru'.
4.Tineti minte trei cuvinte: Pula, paru', Postavaru.
5.Cicolata Nicoleta, Face pula ca racheta.
6.Alifia Cleopatra, Face sânii ca si piatra.
7.Tineti minte trei cuvinte: Sânii, piatra, Cleopatra.
8.Vreti sa cuceriti femeia, Folositi sapunul Cheia.
9.Soarele si tenisul, Va-ntareste penisul.
10.Moarte sigura cu cobra, Dar mai sigura cu Mobra.
11.Motocicleta Carpati, Stati în cur si reparati.
12.Ciocolata Pitic, Va face voinic.
13.Vinul rosu de Segarcea, Face pizda harcea-parcea.
14.Nu mai fumati tigari Kent, Ca va lasa impotent.
15.Vreti sa deveniti barbati, Fumati doar tigari Carpati.
By Ap0kalips
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
mie nu-mi place poezia.... rima proasta... cuvinte prost alese ...
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: Pandemoniu
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 215
e mai bun Nichita Stanescu - versuri albe..
_______________________________________ The only difference between tattooed and untattooed people is that tattooed people are way more cool and can kick your ass.
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
iupyy....mi-am gasit avatarul care mi-l doream....happy, happy, happy
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
"HUG" Nani time (:|
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: undeva intr-un loc rece
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 89
sweet avatar... pufos ca un fulg
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
Hello, imi cer scuze ca nu ti-am zis la multi ani exact de ziua ta.....ma simt atat de prost.. sorry
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
miss me?
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 19 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
miss all of you... Cu aceasta ocazie e frumos sa va urez SARBATORI FERICITE SI UN AN NOU PLIN CU FERICIRE SI BUCURIE.
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
10q la fel... LA MULTZI ANI!!! tzi-am trimis mesaj, da' daca scriu aici n-o sa uitzi
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 19 ani |
Din: Oras
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 297
veau sa ma imbat.. lailailai..
_______________________________________ Grandma have you been smoking crack?
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Oras
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 297
Nou pe simpatie.ro: alexandra23 Femeie 23 ani Constanta cauta Barbat 25 - 35 ani
sunt cautat
_______________________________________ Grandma have you been smoking crack?
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Oras
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 297
aoleo urata e
_______________________________________ Grandma have you been smoking crack?
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
avem parte de cea mai proasta reclama .... simpatie.ro .. bleack
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 18 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
nu trece mai repede anul asta?
pus acum 18 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Pandemoniu
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 215
uite ca mi-ai luat-o inainte, Ap0kaLipS! (ahh, nu ma pot uita la avatarul tau, mi se face rau ) Si eu vroiam sa va urez la toti tot binele din lume pt anul 2006, fericire, multa sanatate si impliniri pe toate planurile vietii! =D LA MULTI ANI!
_______________________________________ The only difference between tattooed and untattooed people is that tattooed people are way more cool and can kick your ass.
pus acum 18 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
LA MULTI ANI si voua si multa fericire si dragoste in anul nou...
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Oras
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 297
hepi niu ier
_______________________________________ Grandma have you been smoking crack?
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
La multzi ani tuturor... fie ca dorintzele voastre sa se indeplineasca, sa iubitzi shi sa fitzi iubitzi
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 18 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Pandemoniu
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 215
Hey.. ma gandeam.. cum v-ar placea sa va petreceti Craciunul si unde? Stiu ca sarbatorile de iarna s-au cam dus dar macar sa reinviem spiritul lor prin propuneri de petrecere a Craciunului de anul viitor. Sincer, as vrea sa mergem toti la munte.. sa ne batem cu zapada... asa cum e in videoclipul de la WHAM! - Last Christmas.
_______________________________________ The only difference between tattooed and untattooed people is that tattooed people are way more cool and can kick your ass.
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
jeg imputzit ... am ratat 10 min. din fluxul de net ca sa se ia de tine ca ejti bulangiu shi nu lashi bassu' la minim...
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Oras
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 297
lol psst place avataru meu?
_______________________________________ Grandma have you been smoking crack?
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
l-ai micshorat ... anyway... mi-a placut de cand l-ai pus prima oara
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Oras
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 297
_______________________________________ Grandma have you been smoking crack?
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
ce ma daore pe mine?/ eu am cajtile la urechi ... uuuuh.. nice avatar Chiftea... e ruda cu tine?? =D
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 18 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
chiftea nu mi`o dai si mie o tura!?
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Oras
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 297
bangbros.com ia-o de cate ori vrei
_______________________________________ Grandma have you been smoking crack?
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Oras
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 297
era sus si am dat click
_______________________________________ Grandma have you been smoking crack?
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Oras
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 297
aaaaa apokalips cred ca stiu de ce la tine merge sa pui doar alea si la mine nu, k esti administrator?
_______________________________________ Grandma have you been smoking crack?
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
ce anume??
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Oras
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 297
sa pui smilies fara sa scrii nimic
_______________________________________ Grandma have you been smoking crack?
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
shi tu nu potzi??
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Pandemoniu
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 215
WOW! Nu pot sa imi iau ochii din... decolteul lui Chiftea!
_______________________________________ The only difference between tattooed and untattooed people is that tattooed people are way more cool and can kick your ass.
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Bucicarest
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 72
Nici io nu pot....mereu tre sa scriu ceva pe langa smilies fix it
_______________________________________ Dead and buried
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
lol.. credeam ca nici tu nu potzi sa-tzi iei ochii de pe avataru' lu' ala .. anyway, unu' din admini, nu dau nume (Pilaf aka Apokalips), s-a plimbat pe la optziuni. Sper c-am reparat problema
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Bucicarest
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 72
well good and don't let this happen' again or......of with your head
_______________________________________ Dead and buried
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
revolutionary bitch
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 18 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
miss me?
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
intra shi tu mai des
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 18 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
nu mai pot....la servici devine din ce in ce mai greu..ajung acasa dupa ora 19 si sunt super obosita....am multe probleme la servici si nu mai am chef de nimik...decat sa plang sa ma descarc de nervi.Stiu ca nu e bine dar ma gandesc ca e mai rau daca tin in mine.Asa ca sorry daca intru mai rar.
pus acum 18 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 188
n`am umblat eu la nici o optziune ma
_______________________________________ Humanity won't live in peace and history is based on "war and hate", the human race has a violent nature, that's why we relate. I am the violence which flows in your veins, I am the dark side of your conscience remains
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
da da da .. bine Apokalips... anyway, imi pare rau ca ai numai vejti proaste pt. noi ella... sper ca toate astea sa se schimbe in viitoru' apropiat shi sa revina totu' la normal.
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 18 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
pus acum 18 ani |
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 294
shadysgal doctora a zis ca ar fi normal pe 25 sa nasc...dar sa vedem...
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Doomsville
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 520
shadysgal a scris:
M-am nascut cu o boala care se numeste "rau de miscare". Zi mersi ca nu am epilepsie ca as lesina la jocurile video... (Creierul meu care in opinia ta nu e destul de dezvoltat a luat bac-ul din prima, si cu note mari, si a intrat la facultate la stat. Ar fi bine sa nu comentezi tocmai tu) |
uhm... ciudat sa deschizi subiectu' asta shadysgal. Deshi am picat la prima incercare, pot spune ca au trecut multzi pe cunojti mai putzine ca noi, unii chiar bota care abia jtiau ce e aia scoala, deci nu prea vad ce vrei sa demonstrezi. Deci, daca cineva ia bacu' din prima nu inseamna ca e mai dejtept ca cel care ia din a doua, probabil ca e, da' printr-un simplu' examen nu potzi demonstra asta. Ce se intampla la scoala nu o mai putem numi cultura generala... shi cum tu potzi fii mai buna la unele categorii, eu te pot intrece la altele. Anyway, ma simt prost ca ai adus subiectu' asta la mijloc, jtii bine ca am trecut greu momentu'
_______________________________________ Bringing u another disturbing creation from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference and gets STUPIFIED
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Pandemoniu
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 215
Trec peste faptul ca ai scos subiectul din context, ca raspuns la insulta lui. Tu, DisTurB3D, nu intri in aceeasi categorie cu el. Nu ai avut meditatori, nu ai stat inchis in casa 24 din 24 ca sa inveti, cand nu te jucai pe calculator erai cu mine, ca sa nu mai mentionez ca tu ai acasa in familie o situatie dificila, copil mic, parinti cu probleme care nici nu stiu ca tu existi... Discutia era intre mine si Viper, iar daca te legi numai de BAC, nu uita ca am adaugat ca "mic" bonus si EXAMENUL DE ADMITERE la FACULTATE DE STAT. Si nu am stat sa tocesc. Ti se pare putin?
_______________________________________ The only difference between tattooed and untattooed people is that tattooed people are way more cool and can kick your ass.
pus acum 18 ani |